So what do I have planned for these last few months here in Peru? And where are we going next in our fantastic Army journey??? Nothing really planned for the rest of this month, nothing really planned for October (I can't even plan anything for Mr. Scott's birthday because of a higher up official in the Army making a whirlwind stop here in Lima), but November my friends, it is all about November! Marine Corps Ball, Lima 10k, Breaking Dawn Part 2 aka Amanacer Parte Dos, Thanksgiving and LADY FUCKING GAGA BITCHES!!!!!
Please excuse my over excitement and use of foul language. Let's start with the Marine Corps Ball. That's November 3rd and is going to be a blast and possibly a half. Already ordered my dress and that should be showing up any day now. Can't go wrong with pretty dresses, great friends, and booze. Next up is that Lima 10k. I should probably get off my ass and start working towards being able to do it. Well I could do it as is, I'd just be limping around for days like I was after that 7.3K I was totally unprepared for. Also doing that is pending as long as it is NOT the day after the Marine Ball. If it is, sorry but F that... No way on God's green earth or in Hell am I getting up after the Marine Ball to go run... Chances are I will be going to bed at like 3 or 4am so ummm no, just no.... Breaking Dawn Part 2! Mr. Scott can finally celebrate the last Twilight Saga movie he has to take me to, ever. He just has to buy it for me on DVD later so I can watch it again and again while he's away. In a way I guess that is more exciting for him than me. Next up! Thanksgiving. I have no clue where or what we are doing but it's just going to be a fun time regardless. Now here is where I get super super excited about Lady Gaga again! OMG OMG OMG I'm going to Lady Gaga!!!! BEST HUSBAND EVER!!!!!!!!!
Here is the back story to Lady Gaga where I proudly where my asshole of the month crown! So I was not ready for bed and decided to be a bad girl and indulge in some late night Facebooking and web surfing on the night of Sept. 5th.... Well I go to KOMO 4 News' website and what do I see??? Lady Gaga will be at the Tacoma Dome on January 14th! Now if that is not exciting then I don't know what is. Well that's where I am wrong because it can get more exciting than that. Upon further delving into this Lady Gaga at Tacoma Dome, I go to her website where I find a list of her current tour dates..... I pretty much just about pissed myself with excitement when I saw "Lima Peru, November 23rd, Tickets on sale September 6th".... Now enter in asshole moment... Mr. Scott is dead asleep in the bedroom... What do I do? I run in and pounce on him like a cat high on cat nip and start demanding/begging to be allowed to put Lady Gaga tickets on the credit card the next day.... As you can guess that got a big fat NO! I was so mad and called him the asshole for not even saying "I'll think about it." Fast forward to when Scott gets home after work on September 6th... I decide I should immediately apologize for my rude behavior the night before and politely ask again if we could go. I was smart and decided not to ask at 6:30am or while he was at work.... So after my apology, Mr. Scott starts to inform me of how surprised he was that I was soooooooo clueless that she was coming to Lima until now. Apparently she had added Lima to her tour in mid-July. He had been watching for tickets to go on sale since then........ I bet you can guess what happens next in this story! If you guessed I start crying as he pulls out two tickets to Lady Gaga on Nov. 23rd...... Then you guessed right!!!! Sorry no prize for a correct guess today kids! So seriously... Best husband ever.... This Little Monster can't wait to put her paws up!
Okay enough about my rambling of my love for Lady Gaga.... I'll just add another reason my husband is the best husband ever....
See that's me! Me as a Pin-up tattoo and me dressed up as an Army Pin-up girl! How freaking fantastic is all of that! Very.
I've probably rambled on plenty for this blog today! So I'll leave you with a few other September highlights...
#1 Sept. 10th - The best Mom ever celebrated her birthday! Happy Birthday Mom!
#2 Sept. 11th - My sweet little Grandma Ann celebrated her 80th!!! Birthday! Well she didn't really celebrate too much cause she didn't want to, but it's her birthday and that was her choice :)
#3 Sept. 11th - My hilarious, fashion loving cousin Chela also celebrated her birthday! She celebrated by taking Grandma Ann to lunch at my former place of employment :)
I'll save where are we going next for another blog post... That's a story of disappointment in it's own... I'm doing my best to turn that disappointment into a whole bunch of positive excitement though!