Well again with a blink of an eye, July has come and gone. The same could be said for August. I have mixed feelings about this. While I can't wait for some sunshine and warmth, I also don't like how fast time seems to be flying by. July was seriously uneventful, aside from the fun of dog sitting for the month. That brought some interest to my life. I miss the pitter patter of little paws coming down the hall to see what I'm doing. Get ready for a laugh! I also miss the sound of oinking as I cook dinner. That's right oinking. We had two very confused chihuahuas in our custody.
Bubbles and Precious |
Precious being camera shy |
Bubs!!!!!!!! |
Bubbles aka Bubs (just an FYI we had like 5 or 6 different nicknames for each dog) thinks that she is a baby pig. She oinks and snores about 90% of her day. Now Precious aka Skinny, thinks she is a show pony. She believed that she must prance around instead of walking. She also would be the biggest attention whore I've ever met. She put me to shame as a high needs individual.
They also proved my husband, somewhat right. Now I say somewhat because I still fully believe I need a puppy in my life. I do recognize his point that it is a slight inconvenience at times to have to take the dogs down and outside across the street to the park and supervise their every move instead of just letting them outside into a fenced yard. I can also see his point of that when I start working again at our next place, how much time will I really have for the dog? I have faith that I'll figure it all out and be able to work full time and still have a very happy, well loved dog :)
Alrighty then, let's fast forward through most of August. Highlights! We finally got the new couches we were wanting/needing/told we could get. The DAO has some shit furniture. I'm talking ugly green and gold fabric, broken down, and just plain awful. Chief Lee had finally secured some funding for the office to get some new furniture. Thanks to Chief, we got some new couches and will be getting some new rugs this weekend :D You all have no idea how happy it makes me to not look like the broke ass college kids with mismatched furniture.
We would have had a matching leather love seat if it hadn't been blasted and broken by a fork lift |
yeah! Stylish grown-up furniture! |
Those couches arrived just in time for what I like to think of is the best and most important highlight! Our one year anniversary!!!!!! Yeah buddy! One year down, 14 to go! Just kidding! We had a great anniversary! We did most the celebrating on Saturday, the 18th. We started that day off with some Chifa in Chinatown with Chief Lee and his girlfriend, as well as some shopping. After a fun filled afternoon there that included Chief making the day of a homeless man by giving him S./10 (basically $4), we went home and got changed for our dinner at Mesa 18, at the Park Hotel.
Mesa 18 was delicious but expensive for the portion size. It's definitely one of those places where you are paying for the name of a Chef. I am glad we went though. Delicious food and OUTSTANDING service. After the excellent meal, we popped inside the hotel to their bar called Jackle & Hyde. Scott had a Manhattan (probably the best one in Lima) and I had a Lychee Martini. Both were delicious, but we decided to move on to our favorite bar Houlihan's for some cheaper drinks. After a couple rounds, we returned home for PJ's and nightcap :)
Our actual anniversary was on Monday, the 20th. I had this wonderful steak dinner planned. That all got sidelined when some idiot of a woman decided to slam into the side of the work vehicle Scott was carpooling in because she was missing her exit. I guess minimal damage to both vehicles and no injuries, but this woman would not admit fault even with the police telling her it was her fault. Accidents aren't settled here the way they are in the states. Instead of the police just being able to cite her and then everyone goes home, everyone had to go to the police station to file a statement. With this lovely delay, Scott didn't get home until just after 7:30pm. At this point I felt frustrated by that idiot woman and her attempt to ruin my anniversary (like I wanted to hunt her down and slam her face into the steering wheel. My dad wonders where this hostility comes from and it's honestly because I have nothing better to do), so I had no desire to grill steaks, saute mushrooms, roast asparagus, and let alone clean it all up. Thankfully my sweet husband agreed to just going out to our favorite pizza place for pizza and wine. We just saved the steak dinner for the next night. The previously mentioned sweet husband also surprised me with flowers and chocolates! The added bonus was he came home with my stuff I ordered from Victoria Secret and a shirt I had ordered from another site :) After dinner, while I put my new clothes away, he surprised me (again! I know I'm spoiled) with some of my favorite sparkling red wine! I think I married a keeper. He definitely turned the night around.
Now that our anniversary has come and gone, not a whole lot is going on for the rest of the month. Tomorrow I've decide to go on a social binge and go to a ladies coffee, lunch with the girls, and Chief Lee's going away office party. Next thing I know it's going to be September and I'll only have 3 months left here in Peru! Hopefully some nice weather will start rolling in before I have to go and have my second winter of the year......