Let's start with the run/walk.... The hubby and his boss ran it together.... I flew solo.... Now since I didn't exactly train for this, it was probably not my best idea ever, At points during it, I did hate life a little and questioned what I was thinking. Oh I remember, it was for the disabled children of Lima to have a new therapeutic center! I wish I had a camera for when I was jogging across the bridge and the faster people were on their return to the finish were coming down the other side of the bridge. What a great turn out! Anyways here are some pictures that best describe the run.
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I know you all have seen this one before and basically is what I would say was the "during" of the run |
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Immediately following the run picture.... Sunshine and Rainbows bitches! I felt great! |
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What I felt like by the end of the day and for the next few days.... Since I basically never jog I stiffened probably worse than this old lady! |
Ten days after the run, the hubby and I were in Buenos Aires! Now it was cold compared to Lima so I should have brought a couple extra sweaters! What a beautiful city! The first day we walked around and got familiar with the area we were staying. We ate at the hotel for dinner, well more like Scott ate and I took 3 bites of my food and called it good. For some lovely reason I didn't sleep for more than an hour on the plane so I had been up since 9am the day before. I just felt sick and tired (and maybe had a meltdown at the Sao Paolo airport due to Scott's dip passport and the cunt that was trying to deny him boarding cause he didn't already have a visa for Argentina in it. She was not understanding he was traveling on tourist purposes and not official which means he doesn't have to already have a visa.... bitch....) and was ready to fall asleep in my "pumpkin soup". I would more like to call it pumpkin baby food... Didn't taste bad but just didn't have that silky smooth soup thing going on.... After finally getting some sleep in the glorious king size bed (we have got to upgrade our bed when we leave here) I was feeling much better! We did a city bus tour that took us all over different parts of the city and right by the Ferry terminal that we would be going to the next day. I forget what we did for lunch but for dinner we did an Argentinian grill. Delicious! and also we found a wine that we absolutely love there! Now I was not a smart cookie and I indulged in a bit too much wine and guess what?! Hangover the next day, yay me...... Again that dip passport caused us some problems at customs in the ferry terminal... They get so uppity about how it's an official passport and how he's supposed to already have visas in it even though he's not traveling on official business... Supervisor do wonders though, they just basically say whatever let him through... After a nice little nap on the ferry to Uruguay I felt okay.
We rented a scooter to ride around town on for only $25 for the day. Checked out the beaches on the Rio de La Plata, old town Colonia, and I think we ended up in more of a local residential area but that was cool too. We had this great intention of eating at this burger stand Scott had read about, but the dude wasn't open yet and we were starving... and of course right as our food gets delivered, home dude opens his stand.... If we had known he would open then, I would have starved for the extra time to pay half the price for what we read are totally amazing burgers.... Now if people in Argentina and Uruguay believed in posting hours of operation, then this would not have been a problem and I would have had a great burger instead of an overpriced mediocre burger. Colonia was a nice small town with wonderful colonial autumn charm :) You don't need more than a few hours there though. The ferry ride back was not so pleasurable... Thank the lord riding around bitch on a scooter cured my hangover.... Over half of the "tourist class" (they have different classes on the ferry) was obnoxious loud ass school children that most of the boat wanted to slaughter by the time we docked in Buenos Aires... There was one chick having a "Little Annie Brazilian airport meltdown" over the fact she was asked to move her stuff out of an empty seat to try and get these kids to sit down and the obnoxiousness of the children..... Hate to break it to you chica, but putting on your sunglasses did not hide the fact you were crying... We all knew you were before you put them on, so just own up to your tears and let them sparkle in the sunlight!
Due to late night eating (I mean like places don't open for dinner until around 8 or 9pm), we ended eating at a pretty cool Thai place... yeah yeah yeah... I know... We were all the way in Argentina and ate Thai food.... It was one of the only places open so don't judge... Also we had Argentinian grill the night before and knew that was basically what would be served at the Tango show the next night...
Our last day before we flew back, we spent "shopping". I use the " " because we didn't buy anything. Nothing really jumped out at us as a must have item.... We had lunch at a nice cafe where we received some of the best service we've ever had in South America... Food was delicious as well... We got back to the hotel to hang out and have a bottle of wine before getting ready for the Tango show... That is where I realized these boots I liked were actually $300 and not $400 which meant they were only $100 over my boot budget... I however chose not to slam a bottle of wine just to run and buy the boots so they will be known as "the boots that got away"... I just couldn't do that to the delicious wine though....
The Tango show.... no words for how great it was! We got seated at a great table and had the best view of the show! Dinner was great too, as well as the basically unlimited wine. I can't remember the exact name of the theater but if you are in Buenos Aires, just go to the hotel Elevage and ask them to recommend a tango show with dinner... It was only $140 a person and that included transportation to and from the hotel, dinner, the show and the unlimited wine... Well worth the money.... In fact I even recommend the hotel... Good breakfast, nice rooms, and good customer service....
I think I've basically rambled on enough for the June happenings, so I'll leave you with some pictures of our trip :)
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