About Me

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I'm an overly dramatic individual doing my best to be a rock star wife that goes in tow where the Army sends her husband... This isn't always an easy task at times... I'm don't find myself to be the most witty, funny or interesting but others tell me that I am... I'll just be cooking and traveling through my sad (probably pathetic) attempt at blogging!


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Thanks to some Army games....

I get to go here:

Iguaza Falls in Brazil (also Paraguay and Argentina, but we are flying into and staying in Brazil)

It will be a short trip but a fun trip none the less... I'll even let the hubby use it as my Valentine's Day present since we fly out the 15th and come back the 17th :)

Now how does this relate to some Army games you ask? Well thanks to some lovely folks who are extremely disorganized and some other folks who like to sit on paper work for 3 weeks, the request to have me added onto the husband's orders went over into the "you don't have 12 months left at your duty station so we won't give her command sponsorship" category.... The sad thing is we started working this little detail at the beginning of September and thanks to the above mentioned folks, it took them until end of December to come back with that little bullshit statement.... They also somehow came up with the magical month/year of February 2013 as for how long he needs to extend down here for to get me on his orders.... Where they came up with February instead of December we aren't quite sure but I digress....  Since my tourist visa is going to expire at the end of this February, we needed a trip that got me out of Peru for 24 hours and thanks to a little special on LAN airlines, we settled on the Iguaza Falls :)

The other fun game we are playing with the Army is how long can it take for them to send out an email if the husband got selected for the new Army job he wants (again because the Army decided to be dicks about this job and he has no desire to go back to aviation)... We need that decision to decide on a lot of things. For example, extending till Feb. 2013 so that I can get put on the orders or not extending and where our next trip will be or if I will just got back to the good Ol' US of A at the end of my next tourist visa........ Oh joy oh joy.... The joys of also being married to a higher entity that is not God (as my lovely friend Anne said it best)......