About Me

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I'm an overly dramatic individual doing my best to be a rock star wife that goes in tow where the Army sends her husband... This isn't always an easy task at times... I'm don't find myself to be the most witty, funny or interesting but others tell me that I am... I'll just be cooking and traveling through my sad (probably pathetic) attempt at blogging!


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fuck You Government Travel Office!

I have stated before that I have yet to be a bridezilla... I mean really I've been nothing but go with the flow on this wedding thing, but the one thing that I refuse to budge and/or compromise on is being on a separate return flight home after the wedding... Now due to some overly dramatic tendencies, I have become rather upset and feel my day as been completely ruined... Feel free to label me a bridezilla for this one...

My genius fiance decides to forward me the travel info the travel office sent him without really looking into it better... Since his trip is going to be paid for by the government and mine is not this is where the problem is... He has been quoted flights that cost just over $2300... Now to get on the same return flight we are going to have to spend that much on me... I looked into how much it would cost for a one way ticket on that flight and that was $2100!!! I can fly round trip from Lima to Miami and round trip from Miami to Minot according to this flight info for $2300 but just a one way ticket will cost me almost as much??? This is where I would like to say "What the Fuck?!" to Delta airlines....

So I have continued my research to see how cheap I can get flights for via Bing Travel... The sad thing is, is that I can book us both flights on Bing that get us from here in Lima to Miami and then from Miami to Minot and back to Miami and then back to Lima for just under $2200.... Now can someone please tell me why/how the government travel office does not use Bing to book any of it's flights??? How is it that I can get us both to fly for $100 less than what they've found for just him to fly? This just does not make any sense to me what so ever....

Given that last I checked, technically the US government has some budget problems. So to me something about them not using every available option to get THE cheapest flights for things like this FEML trip is somewhat ass backwards... Now I may have also sent a couple unnecessary angry emails to said fiance, but I am pissed... I just absolutely refuse to fly home to Lima on a separate flight 5 days after getting married... There is just no letting this one go in my book....

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