About Me

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I'm an overly dramatic individual doing my best to be a rock star wife that goes in tow where the Army sends her husband... This isn't always an easy task at times... I'm don't find myself to be the most witty, funny or interesting but others tell me that I am... I'll just be cooking and traveling through my sad (probably pathetic) attempt at blogging!


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Sunday, May 8, 2011


It's been awhile since I blogged... Not a whole lot happened since I was overly excited with being engaged. It took like a week before it really set in and while I'm not in La La land about it I'm still wonderfully blessed to have Scott... especially after a couple white wine meltdowns........ I think my highlights of April were eating cow heart and "letting my fitness flag fly"... May has started off kinda weird... Maybe it will become a little more normal soon?

I kinda got into a slight routine in April of cleaning... Mondays seem to be scrub everything and put everything back in it's place after the weekend... Tuesdays and Wednesday usually involve laundry... I don't really do much on Thursdays... Fridays I do a light cleaning.... I've gotten kinda bored but I do my best to keep somewhat occupied....  Part of my boredom at times now is Scott working on homework for his first class towards his MBA... I can't bitch too much cause it will beneficial in the long run....

Now onto the cow heart incident... Scott and I went out with some people from the office to a bar just up the street... it's pretty cool... like 4 different levels.... it was almost like an adult tree house!  This guy Danny ordered some appetizer platter that had a bunch of stuff... I thought he was just trying to fuck with the other girls from the office and tell them that the beef on a skewer was cow heart......... It looked like regular beef to me so I just tore into that like it was..... It tasted just like a regular cut of beef but I guess he wasn't kidding and I accidentally ate some poor cows heart...... I can't say that I would knowingly order it and eat it again but if it was served and nothing was said about it, I'd probably eat it again...

As for my fitness flag flying.... I'm not trying to lose weight or anything crazy like that but I could stand to use a little toning and just general getting in shape.... So Scott has actually gotten my ass down to the little gym and up on the Eliptical as well as doing a smidge of yoga... after the first day he was teasing me and said "Little Annie hung up her freak flag and let her fitness flag fly!" WTF? I dunno where that came from but it was kinda funny in the moment....

May... what is there to say about May so far.... Cinco de Mayo was pretty fun after my every little thing seems to be going wrong kind of day... Had Nicole over for some carne asada burritos and margaritas... Friday involved Scott laying on the couch when he got home and not really getting off of it and me taking care of him... It's only fair considering I've had a couple of those days but I was in far worse condition...

Yesterday was a strange strange day....  It's like the moment we left the apartment it was just nothing but crazy... People were driving crazy (well crazy for them cause they drive like bat shit crazy motherfuckers).... I swear we almost got in like 6 accidents on our way to Plaza Veya.... I've gotten used to most of the crazy driving but I was legit in my concerns for dieing in the car yesterday... Traffic was awful around the store cause one of the lights wasn't working... We never get in and out of Plaza Veya in 15 minutes and that happened.... Then we decided to take a different way home which was equally backed up... We then tried to go see Thor up at Park Kennedy to find out it was dubbed not subtitled... Forget that plan... On to trying to find the sushi restaurant across the park that we couldn't find a couple weeks ago.... Looked both ways and proceeded to speed walk across the street... All the sudden Scott is running and I am left behind in the middle of the street only to see a very large very fast moving bus coming towards me.... Running forward would have resulted in me being plastered across the front of a bus so I chose to jump backwards.... I have decided from now on we will stick to crosswalks with green walk lights only.... We eventually made it home safe and sound... Dinner was also kind of weird... Most places you go you just seat yourself... Proceeded to do so at Chilis and we seemed pretty much invisible for the longest time... adding to the overall strangeness of the day... After dinner we caught Fast and the Furious 5 which was good for the kind of movie it is.... On our walk home I saw some wild little guinea pigs on a flat part of a cliff so that was kinda cool... I had to suppress the desire to jump over the little brick wall and try to catch one for a pet....

And here we are today on this lovely warm beautiful mothers day :) Hopefully today doesn't involve almost getting blasted by a bus and is an enjoyable day......

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